This list of Bills will start the healing process for our communities. There is no silver bullet that will solve all the problems before us but this is a first step on our journey to Justice, and real substantive change. in addition to the 9 bills other bills will be added once they are drafted by MJC.
End Qualified Immunity HF-1104
This bill will end qualified immunity as a legal defense for police misconduct.
This is a bill that was drafted by the DOC and Del Shea Perry whis son Hardel Sherrell was killed while in custody. This Bill Reforms the care porvided in the incarrceration system and will save lives.
This bill will create a requirement for law enforcement officers to carry professional liability insurance as a condition of employment. Employing agencies may pay the base but any additional premiums based on officer conduct will be the officer’s responsibility.
End Statue of Limitations on Wrongful death HF-717
This bill will eliminate the statute of limitations for wrongful death civil suits, enabling families of people killed by police to seek justice. Has 5 year look back. will use 3 year as negotiation Also eliminates SOL for sexual assault by Law enforcement. MJC